Bypass Krško

Road infrastructure Bypass Krško

In addition to the 275 m long bridge, the project covers the construction of a roundabout on the right bank of the Sava River, including an access point to the municipal road and a linking road to the existing roundabout at the Krka factory on the left bank of the Sava River. 

Following the completion of these works, building a bit more than one kilometre of bypass road will be required to link the new roundabout at the bridge in Žadovnik with the existing roundabout at the Krško shopping centre, thus fully completing the Krško Bypass.

The bridge at Žadovnik will connect Krško Bypass with the right bank of the Sava River.

Type of project:New construction
Client: The Ministry of Infrastructure, Slovenian Infrastructure Agency and Krško Municipality
Status:In progress

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