The strategy of transport infrastructure development

Transport The strategy of transport infrastructure development

The strategy of transport development in the Republic of Slovenia for the first time comprehensively addresses all aspects of transport systems: road, rail, maritime, air transport and sustainable mobility.

The preparation of the document involved the identification of key problems and needs, a comprehensive analysis of the transport system and the identification of measures for its development. In addition, the strategy will serve to meet the conditions for drawing funds from the European Union in the current financial perspective 2014-2020. The Strategy was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in 2015, and in 2016 by the National Assembly in the form of a Resolution on the National Program for the Development of Transport in the Republic of Slovenia for the period until 2030. The resolution sets out more detailed activities, methods of implementation, necessary financial resources, deadlines and institutions for the implementation of infrastructure measures.


The adoption of a resolution is a step
towards a more efficient system of planning and implementing new infrastructure or management of existing transport infrastructure.

Type of project:Strategic document
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure

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The strategy of transport infrastructure development

Type of project: Strategic document
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure