The third development Axis– South

Road infrastructure The third development Axis– South

The design for the Third Development Axis – South covers the execution of a new road link from the access point to Ljubljana–Obrežje motorway near Novo mesto to the Maline access point.

The total length of the planned expressway amounts to 17.9km, and it will have three bridges, four viaducts, two cut-and-covers, a 2,341-metre-long tunnel under the Gorjanci hills, 10 overpasses, nine underpasses and two lay-bys.  The entire section is divided into two stages.  The first one covers the section from the motorway access point to the Revoz industrial complex, and the second covers its continuation to Maline, where the new road link connects to the existing road infrastructure.  The acquisition of a building permit for stage 1 is planned for the end of 2018, and the entire project is planned to be completed by the end of 2021.

In addition to numerous structures, a good two kilometre-long tunnel through the Gorjanci hills, the most well-known and visited hills in Dolenjska region, will be constructed on the motorway.

Type of project:New construction
Client: Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia, DARS d.d.
Status:In progress

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