Management system for electrical and mechanical equipment in tunnels

Road infrastructure Management system for electrical and mechanical equipment in tunnels

DRI, as part of the project, is developing the management system for electrical and mechanical equipment in tunnels TMS-ESO-DARS that will, based on the data on the age, condition and availability of the spare parts for electrical and mechanical equipment enable optimal preparation of the plan for reconstructions and simulation of the future condition of the network, depending on the available/envisaged means for their maintenance.

Electrical and mechanical equipment in tunnels consists of:

  • Power supply
  • Ventilation devices
  • Lighting
  • Measuring devices
  • Traffic operation and management
  • Emergency calls
  • Radio devices/sound system/inserting messages
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Tunnel operation
  • Transverse passages/doors
Type of project:Pavement management
Client: Motorway Company of the Republic of Slovenia, DARS d.d.
Status:In progress

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